Friday, February 6, 2009

Still Waiting

It has been one week since the sedated Echo and we still have not heard of a surgical date for Nathan. We were told by Dr Ralphe that we would get a call on Wednesday. So we called and left a message on Wednesday when we did not hear anything. We called and left a message on Thursday when we did not get a return call. Then today I called again and explained that I needed the staff to call me back today to at least acknowledge my messages and give me an update as to the progress on securing a surgical appointment for Nathan.

I did indeed get a call back from Susan, Dr Ralphe's nurse indicating that we would not have any concrete dates until at least Monday. When I pressed further she stated the person she needed to talk to regarding Nathan was already gone for the day, leading me to believe that NOTHING was done for getting Nathan to his next step until probably 1 pm today (the time I left a rather strong message of my intent to become a very difficult problem in their side until they did what they said they were going to do!) For goodness sake people. I pressed farther asking if Dr Ralphe was comfortable continuing to wait since it seemed as though he was quite concerned last Friday and he himself told me that we would not wait more than 2 - 3 weeks. I was assured by his nurse that he was indeed comfortable waiting. So now I sit with my hands tied and wait out yet another weekend of not knowing who, what and where is next. Now of course 1 week has gone by already and here we sit with no further progress. I could just implode with anger over this.

My computer laptop died this week too, to top it all off. I will however make a diligent effort to get this blog updated as soon as we get any resolution for our little man.