Our little community is great for this kind of thing. We are able to walk to the parade route and see many of our friends in the floats. I love spending the 4th in Evansville, it is the pinnacle of small town goodness. As we watched the veterans go by I heard David say to Caleb "Those are the soldiers who went to war and came back without dying!"
Our baseball coach was driving one of the big fire engines and David was jumping up and down yelling "Coach Bill, Coach Bill" They throw candy, freezy pops and even string cheese - it is indeed small town WI.
The fair has cheese, cheese and more cheese. Cheese curds, cheesy games, and cheesy entertainment. But praise the Lord they have cotton candy too. So we had 3 boys a blue. (The cotton candy was blue and Very Messy!)
To top off the evening we went to a cookout at the Chavez-Mueller's and watched the fireworks and became the buffet for the hungry mosquito's. What a good time. We made an American flag cake with the kids and got some great pictures of the event.