Friday, October 23, 2015

21st Anniversary

The fall colors are in full swing here in WI. I love this time of year. I am looking for any and every excuse to be outside. I don't think I have ever walked my dog this much. She is really loving this!

This time of year is always filled with great memories of our wedding day. It was such an unseasonably warm, full color,fall day. The warm breeze reminds me of arriving at the Rose Garden to begin our reception.

Looking back at our 21 years, I can honestly say that we have had more good times than bad. We are both very different people today, but for the better.

Today our society is so disposable in it's thinking. As a people we are distracted and self centered. Many parents don't even have time to really enjoy raising and mentoring their children.

As the years tick on, I am so grateful to have had many wonderful memories with my husband. We have traveled, started a ministry, raised 3 boys (still), and tried hard to be intentional about investing in each other.

It dawned on my that this year we have been married for exactly half of my life. That is just so weird because in my mind I am still 25.