Friday, July 20, 2012

John writing this time:
I was downstairs late the other night, working on something, and Nathan climbed into bed upstairs with Jenny. The thunderstorm must have woke him up.

When I finally went to bed, I climbed in next to him and spent several minutes just watching him sleep and running my hand through his crew-cut hair - something you can't do with a picture 14 years from now, and an opportunity that rarely comes up during waking hours.
We're coming to the end of his snuggle/sippycup years, and I'm really excited for him. He deserves to grow up like his big brothers and is already very mature for his age. It would be a disservice to keep him at this stage (as if we could). But I have to admit I'm a little sad at the same time.

The next morning, he got up and showed me his first loose tooth.

The timing was just weird.